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Fast Turbulent Flames



  • Fast moving turbulent flames can transition into detonation waves

  • This process is known as Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT)

  • Applicable for industrial explosions and detonation-based engine


Research Details

  • Investigating high-speed turbulent flames on the verge of transition to a detonation

  • Fully resolved Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)

  • Based on realistic experimental shock tube conditions

  • 3-D reactive compressible Navier-Stokes equations

  • One-step hydrogen-air reaction model

  • Massively parallel simulation with ~85 billion grid cells



Laura O'Neill, Sai Sandeep Dammati, Texas A&M University 

Jessica Chambers, Kareem Ahmed, University of Central Florida

Alexei Poludnenko​, University of Connecticut

Vadim Gamezo, NRL

Two-dimensional pressure contours for the channel midsection

  1. Flame is denoted in black

  2. Leading shock followed by an accelerating turbulent flame

  3. Flame generates an additional shock

  4. Shocks collide and a rarefaction wave is formed

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